Dry Windy Weather causes Multiple Fires
By Cadet Firefighter Cody Buckwalter
April 8, 2015

Over the last several days, the 52 house along with many companies throughout the county have been involved in several wild land and structural fires stemming from the recent dry weather and open burning.

Incidents affecting the immediate and mutual aid areas have included several brush fires in Martic Township, Salisbury Township, New Garden Township (Chester County) and Sadsbury Township. Included in those was a “multiple buildings” response to West Sadsbury, Chester County.

Christiana fire would like to remind all friends and neighbors that if you must burn, to burn responsibly and stay with your fire. Even then with the recent dry weather events, fire behavior can change in a moment’s notice. Stay Safe

Units: Company 52
Mutual Aid: Station 21 (Oxford), Station 35 (Wagontown), Station 47 (Paradise), Station 8 (Keystone Valley), Station 95 (Keystone Wildfire Crew), Station 27 (Cochranville), Station 42 (Gap), Station 57 (Quarryville), Station 51 (Bart), Warden 17