Monday Night Training – Ventilation Work
By Cadet Firefighter Cody Buckwalter
July 28, 2014

Monday evening’s training topic was Ventilation. Training officers Lieutenant Stoltzfus and FF/EMT Yost led the 20+ members in a two part curriculum. First off was a group discussion on ventilation as a whole. Natural, Hydraulic, Vertical and Horizontal were all broke down as to how and when to use, when not to use, and what needs to happen in coordination with each. An equipment review followed with proper handling and setup techniques as well as past experiences put out by many senior members in attendance.

Hands on work followed as part 2 of the evenings training with all members breaking into three (3) groups throughout the station. Groups practiced and were instructed in proper setup of Positive and Negative fan positioning as well as use of hoseline hydraulic ventilation action. The evening was brought to a close with a brief review around 2000hrs.