Training Early, Working Barn Fire Late
March 18, 2014

Another Monday evening training session had members gathering to finish the 2nd half of their annual Hazardous Material Operations Refresher. Led by Instructor Eric Bachman (LEMA Haz Mat Admin), 29 members completed this course given over a two night span. Training wrapped up around 2130hrs.

At 2227hrs Monday night CFC was alerted for both tankers to assist Westwood Fire units working a Barn fire at 37 Park Avenue in East Fallowfield Township, Chester County. Tanker 52-2 & Tanker 52-1 were part of a Tanker Task Force requested by Asst Chief 44 on the working barn.

Both Tankers were out the door just after dispatch fully staffed. Squad 52-1 also made the response staffed with an additional 5 personnel. 52 units arrived sending available crew members to manpower staging while both tankers jumped in water supply operations. Crews were immediately put to work on suppression operations. Personnel worked for several hours before clearing the scene at 0322hrs Tuesday morning.

Additional members remained in station staffing remaining apparatus in case other emergencies came in. Great job by all members on a busy evening.

Units: Tanker 52-1, Tanker 52-2, Squad 52-1