Atglen Borough Dwelling
By Fire Chief Sonny Reimold
December 8, 2018

Today at 10:43 AM, Station 52 was alerted for a dwelling fire at 315 Tee Alley in Atglen Borough, Chester County. Duty 52 ( Deputy Fisher ) arrived at 10:47 AM with a working fire on the 2nd floor of a single family dwelling. Engine 521 ( Lt. Swift ) with crew of 4 arrived at 10: 49 AM advancing one 1.75" attack line to the 2nd floor knocking the bulk of the fire within minutes. Engine-Tanker 52 ( Capt. Stoltzfus ) arrived with crew of 6 at 10:50 to supply the engine, while the crew advanced a backup line. Ladder 8 ( Keystone ) went to the roof for ventilation while crews from C.C. 27 ( Cochranville ) & Lanco 42 ( Gap ) assisted with manpower. Incident was under control at 11:07 AM.

The officers and members of Christiana Fire Company would like extend our thoughts to the family who were affected by this tragic event.

Station 52- Duty 52, Squad 52, Engine 521, Engine-Tanker 52, Fire Police 52

Mutual Aid- Chester Stations 8 ( Keystone Valley ) Station 27 ( Cochranville )
Lanco Stations 42 ( Gap ) Station 51 ( Bart )